Monday, December 23, 2013


There have been lots of other changes around this place of late in preparation for our launch.

So take a look around this blog. Here are some of the changes:
·      We’ve updated on our board - adding profiles of current committee members, and on our activities to date. See the About Groundswell page.
·      We’ve updated on Groundswell’s history, and acknowledgements of supporters See Our History.
·      We’ve added a publications page for reports and resources relevant to CaLD arts See Reports and Resources.
·      Coming VERY soon – our Get Involved page will be updated with info about how you can add your voice to the mix and become a member of Groundswell Arts NSW.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


SAVE THE DATE: 13th February 2014

Its been a while since we've updated and it may seem a little quiet on the surface but we've been very busy working behind the scenes. We've been talking. A lot. With government, with arts bodies and with members of our own arts community. Including you. We've been listening too. And we've been planning. Planning for our launch and beyond.

So what's in the pipeline for Groundswell Arts NSW?
We're planning our first AGM, welcoming new members, building a new website and working on officially launching the organisation. Busy times! 

We'll send out the invites for the launch soon, so stay tuned, but for now we invite you to SAVE THE DATE and spread the word. Our official launch will take place on the 13th February 2014 under the sails of the Sydney Opera House.

In the coming weeks we'll be updating regularly on our progress, and calling on the friends and supporters of multi-cultural arts to come on board and support our efforts. So stay connected. Check back in to this website again or follow us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking the icons to the right.

If you want to be added to our mailing list, email us with "subscribe" in the subject line at:

Monday, January 7, 2013


Groundswell Arts NSW

We are pleased to announce Groundswell: Creative Thinkers, Creative Solutions is now officially incorporated as a Non for Profit Organisation as Groundswell Arts NSW.  

This means we will be active in applying for funds and other sources of income to undertake services, develop a strong membership and build upon the success of the Multicultural Arts Forum in 2013.

Thank you again for your continued support, our 2012 Multicultural Arts Forum Report can be downloaded here.

ARTS NSW Environmental Scan

 ARTS NSW Environmental Scan

Arts NSW has released its report, Environmental Scan of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Artists, Arts Workers and Projects in NSW.  

It is available at Arts NSW website